
Like water play, you will want to do this in an area that can get messy. Let your child fingerpaint. If you are worried about hands going in the mouth, use pudding, whipped cream, or other foods that may be dyed.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

Your child may turn a bit blue for a while, but it is still fun! Finger painting can also be a sensory activity where your child explores different textures and smells. 


Let your toddler help you sort blocks by color or shape. This activity helps your child with early math skills as well as motor skills. Children learn through play, so making a game of sorting may mean tossing blocks or small objects. Let your child put pom poms in an old film canister.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

This simple activity is fantastic for fine motor skill development. If you can also get him or her to put different colors in different canisters, this can improve those skills as well. 

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