What is Constipation?

Constipation is more of a symptom than a real disorder and usually is not a long-lasting affliction. It can last for some time before the symptoms subside.

It is estimated that as many as 20 percent of individuals have constipation at some point in their lives, which is commonly referred to as constipation.

However, constipation is more of an issue when it comes to digestion and when it comes to determining what the most common gastrointestinal problem is.

functional constipation

Some studies indicate that as many as thirty-five percent of individuals experience constipation at least once during their lifetimes and what is the most common gastrointestinal problem is what is known as functional constipation, which is defined as having less than three bowel movements per week.

If you are having constipation more than three times a week or if your stool is hard and dry, you must visit your doctor as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis.

Image by Thomas Malyska from Pixabay

What causes constipation?

Doctors don’t always understand what causes constipation; it can be from any number of different things. There are many reasons why constipation occurs, including:

Reasons for occasional constipation also include:

constipation can be painful

Constipation diagnosis :

If you are having trouble with constipation and have already been to the doctor twice, he might want to perform a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is a test in which a doctor inserts a camera into your anus to see what is going on in your digestive system.

With a colonoscopy, the doctor can see what he can see through a tube inserted. If you have experienced constipation in the past, your doctor may want to use a more advanced imaging procedure called fundoplication to pinpoint the problem more precisely.

How to Relieve Constipation?

When we say constipation, it is the symptom of an unhealthy colon. And considering that the average person’s diet hardly gives the average person enough fiber, which is required for a regular bowel movement, how to relieve constipation becomes very important.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, a person needs about five fiber servings per day for optimal health. However, five servings of fiber are not enough since our diets rarely provide all the fiber our bodies need. The main problem then becomes how to get the five servings of fiber we need to ensure optimal health.

Add more fiber to your diet! Foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables have fiber, which will help you have a regular bowel movement. Because of the fiber in these foods, your stool will be softer, and your digestive tract will experience less strain. Adding more fiber to your diet, especially foods high in fiber content like fruits and vegetables, will increase your stool frequency and relieve your constipation.

Add more fiber to your diet

Change your lifestyle and improve your bowel habits ! Changing your lifestyle means reducing your consumption of processed foods and increasing your intake of natural fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, legumes (such as beans), nuts and seeds, whole grains, and foods low in saturated fat.

These food items are very rich in fiber, which will soften your stool and help you have a regular bowel movement. To improve your eating habit, you can start by replacing junk food and fast food with healthier alternatives.

Change your daily routine :Instead of going to the bathroom after four or five hours, it is better to take three-five minute intervals during the day. You can also add supplements to your diet to make sure you have enough fiber and water to help you maintain regular bowel movements.

When you reduce stress, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly, you will notice that your constipation gradually decreases.

These days, there are many answers to the question “How to Relieve Constipation Naturally and fast?” Besides eating the right kinds of foods and making small adjustments to your lifestyle, you can take advantage of other home remedies to relieve constipation.

constipation relief

One example is to add apple cider vinegar to your diet. This not only helps you have a regular bowel movement, but it also helps you lose weight. Another remedy you can try is to drink coconut water. Drinking coconut water can be detoxifying and moisturizing. Increases kidney function and stimulates the digestive system. Magnesium is also found in coconut water, of course, which allows the muscles of the intestinal wall to move stool out of the body.

Drinking caffeinated coffee can stimulate bowel movements. Caffeine can cause muscles in the intestines to contract. This stimulation can move stools through the rectum. Coffee that contains caffeine can help pass stool, but it can also make you dehydrated. Make sure to drink plenty of water when drinking caffeinated drinks so as not to make the condition worse.

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